Despite the popularity of the Gospel of John, most overlook the way it ends. However, the end is a very important part of how the church began and how God comes to restore each of us after we stumble and fall.
See, after Jesus predicted Peter would deny him, which Peter reacted to in disbelief, Peter did end up denying Christ just as he had told him. After the Crucifixion though, along with the other disciples, Peter left and went back to his old ways.
Peter went back to fishing, going out in his boat and casting his nets... no longer was he a fisher of men. This fact is often overlooked. Peter, though had claimed Jesus as the Christ, still fell, he denied, he abandoned his faith, he then left and went to follow who he was before. Oh, how often do we do the same.
So, Jesus comes up to Peter, with his nets full of fish, full of his old life and ask: "Peter, do you love me more than these?" Do you love me more than these fish? Do you love me more than your old life? Your own ways? Your habits or desires? Your deep dark thoughts or doubts? Your addictions to self? Your thinking only of yourself? Do you, Peter, love me more than these?
Peter replies twice in the Greek that he loves Jesus unconditionally (Agape); yet Jesus repeats the question a third time, asking Peter if he even loves him as a friend (Phileo), are they even close at all? Peter replied a third time to which Jesus replied, "Go feed my sheep."
See, not only do we see a parallel here between the three times Peter denied Christ and the three times he is asked this question - but this means something amazing for us as well:
When we are uncertain and run from God, God will restore us if we still claim to know Him, and most importantly if we lay down our life, our fish, our ways or things or issues or people we love more than God and take up His name, His Kingdom, feeding his lambs, making our life about following Christ and serving others, not self; feeding His sheep and not our own stomachs.
So, Jesus comes to you today at your school, campus, home, or work and asks:
Do you love me more than these? You know what he means, and He means you to sacrifice it, whatever it may be, for this is what blocks you from growing, from becoming more like Christ; being able to know, follow, and obey.
Do you love me more than these? You know what he means, and He means you to sacrifice it, whatever it may be, for this is what blocks you from growing, from becoming more like Christ; being able to know, follow, and obey.
Do you love me more than these?
Only you know the answer....
~ Doubledb
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