
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Dating Series 4 of 6: Meeting Chloe

Meeting Chloe
Note: Names have been changed.

I met Chloe when I was in the youth group. She was nice, I found her attractive, but nothing ever really happened. I guess I kind of saw her as a sister when we were both in the youth group, which made it odd once when my parents were commenting on how she was "blossoming", which really just meant her breasts’ were getting bigger. I mean, how do you react to that as a teenager? Parents… just don’t say things like that in front of your children, teenage or otherwise, its just awkward.

So the years passed and we still kept in contact. But our connection was sporadic, meaning we would chat on AIM every once in a while, but over time we started to talk on the phone once every few months. During one summer when were both home from college, we would go to this large contemporary church service at the Second Baptist Church in town. Honestly, there is nothing more attractive to me than a female worshiping next to me, talking to her about God, and hearing her sing. But I tried to keep myself cool. I had screwed things up before, so I wanted to try my best to know if she liked me before she left for the summer.

I tried a few times to see her outside of going to the worship services, and looking back now, I should have been aware that I was getting the cold shoulder. She would always make some excuse, that seemed lame, and would then tell me she had done something with her friends (or even another guy who came into town *slaps face*). I was so blind.

But I still had all these feelings for her by then. It wasn’t that I couldn’t take no, but I felt all these things and needed to get them out, so I did the worst thing you can do to someone with whom you aren’t actually going out with yet… writing them a letter. I wrote her two pages, expressing my feelings and how great a person I thought she was at the time and how much I liked her. Yes, at least I knew enough not to say love. I mean, she hadn’t gone out with me yet, so I had feelings but I wasn’t a moron. I though I was being smooth at the time. WRONG!

When the letter was finished, I got her address by being telling her I was updating my contacts. To make myself feel better, I did actually update my contacts but, of course, my real purpose was to get her address while she was away at college. I sent the letter... and waited... and waited. I felt dumb, but also satisfied I had got my feelings out. I accomplished my goal and figured, “Well I guess she didn’t feel the same, but hey... we didn’t really know one another all that well.”

Then fall break came and I was at home. I saw her at church, but I didn’t say anything about the letter. I figured if she wanted to say something, she would reply. And right between Sunday school and church she asked me to talk with her for a second. She apologized for not replying, then told me while she liked me as a friend, that she didn’t like me as anything more than that at the moment. She said she still wanted to be friends, I said ok, and we hugged. Those are the only hugs I have never liked. I was sad of course, but I had kind of already put this behind me emotionally. I didn’t like being rejected but it wasn’t as bad since I didn’t know her as much as I had known Jessy.

I think I might have talked to her on the phone once more, but later I just deleted her from my phone and AIM. I was determined not to go on about this like I had previously, grieving for a whole six months. I did try to chat back and forth on Facebook a few times, but she didn’t reply. I finally just deleted her. That might sound harsh, but I don’t consider people friends, at least not presently or in the future, if we don’t actually speak or ever write to one another.

So, she has pretty much been out of my mind. Yes, every so often I would search for her on Facebook, see what I could gather from her Public, non-friend, view. A few months ago I looked and apparently she is married now. She looks happy with him. I am happy for her, but sad for myself. Not because I don’t have her or she missed out on the great me, but because I want to meet someone and be that happy at some point.

This concludes Meeting Chloe... please turn over tape for side two.

~ Doubledb


  1. Replies
    1. How so? What has been some of your own story?
      Thanks for reading!

      ~ Doubledb

  2. You are a great writer. While it is difficult to see others happy when we are seemingly missing out on something, we just need to trust that the Lord will guide down our own path. I have never written a full on letter telling someone how I feel, I can't say that I haven't wanted to.
    I often prefer to talk to people about sensitive subjects face-to-face, rather than in writing. Right now, I don't honestly know where I stand, if I'm single or not. But, it's not from lack of trying to find out!

    1. Thanks! I think I write better when I am able to be more open and vulnerable, yet I feel myself pull back from being that open at times. Odd, isnt it.

      As far as being happy for others vs. being sad myself. This is something I face every time I look in my Facebook news-feed and see pics of married friends, weddings, and pics of their children. I want to be happy, and I am to some extent I am for them, yet part of me grieves all those expereince I haven't had and cant have, at least NOT YET.

      I think you are right about trusting the LORD. I always remind myself that Jesus Christ needs to remain primary, so while I do have all these feelings and desires regarding being single, I want to keep them in perspective.. and I think it helps me have patience as well so I dont run into a bad relationship just so I wont be alone.

      Thanks for the response!

      ~ Doubledb

    2. Ah the bane of being a Libra! I struggle with having patience and if someone is too "happy" or "in your face" about their lives, especially on Facebook and depending on the frequency, I just hide their updates. It prevents me from resenting them because of something that is never their fault.
