The Truth About: The Flesh vs. The Spirit 3/3

I am so very sorry Lord when I fail you, when my feelings, my flesh, the distractions of the world take your place, when other things are given priority. When I am confused, lost, and instead of turning to you, I sometimes push your sweet still-small voice away.
I cry and weep for that which I do not have... but do I weep for the lost, the sick, the weak, the needy, for others in the same way? Damn my selfish heart, my lonely heart, for it cries out to be loved, more than to love, it grieves what I do not have instead of being thankful for that which I possess.
I struggle between being content (where I can be lazy) and taking initiative (where I can push myself too hard). Help me to find balance. Help me to be wise in how I spend my time, with whom I spend my time, and where my thoughts go throughout the day. May I invest in activities and people that enrich my life and may my thoughts ever-be turning back toward You.
Help me in those times when my flesh seems to overtake my spirit, when I am weak, please make me strong by the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. Help me by the counsel, guidance, and wisdom of your Holy Spirit. Help me God the Father as Parent, as one who cares deeply for me and loves me unconditionally despite my failures and all the times I lose focus and turn away. May I always be reminded of Your goodness, Your love, and Your eternal kindness.
~ Doubledb
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